



根据科罗拉多州公用事业委员会(CPUC)规则3407-3409或4407-4409, 您拥有与中断和恢复您的银河官网服务相关的某些权利. 这些权利在下文和断开连接通知中列出. 

You may avoid discontinuation of service by paying at least one-tenth of the amount shown on the disconnect notice before the disconnect date and entering into a payment arrangement with us to pay off your past-due balances. 避免中断或恢复中断的服务, 我们可能要求以现金或认证资金支付. 

If you are a residential customer and discontinuance of service would aggravate or create a medical condition or emergency, 您可以向我们银河官网网址提供医疗证明,延迟90天断网.  The certificate must be from a Colorado licensed physician or health practitioner licensed to prescribe and treat patients. It must clearly show the name of the customer or individual whose illness is at issue and the Colorado medical identification number, 电话号码, and the signature of the physician or health care practitioner acting under a physician's authority who certifies the medical emergency.  The certification is effective on the date it is received by the utility and is valid to prevent discontinuance of service for 90 days.  医疗证明在任何12个月期间只能援引一次.  

Financial assistance may be available to assist qualified low-income customers in paying their utility bill. 欲澳门银河官网网址详细信息,请拨打2-1-1或访问 www.call-211.org 或与澳门银河官网网址公司联系 1-888-890-5554.  

你有权参加听证会, 在人, 在我们的银河官网经理或经理指定的人面前, 根据我们为此类听证会所采用的程序. 您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 1-888-890-5554

您有权通过信函或电话向CPUC提出非正式投诉 303-894-2070. 在303呼叫区外 1-800-456-0858 或亲自到丹佛,CO 80202,百老汇1560号,250套房. 你有提出异议的权利, 相对于这个通知, to a formal hearing by filing a written formal complaint with the CPUC as provided in the Commission's rules. 也, you may file with the complaint a motion for an order to the utility not to discontinue service pending the outcome of the hearing. The Commission may grant such motion upon such terms as it deems reasonable including the posting of a deposit, 或与公用事业公司担保,或及时支付所有无争议的费用. 


•周五中午12点到晚上8点.m. 下星期一.
•在前一天中午12点至上午8点之间.m. 在任何州假日或联邦假日的第二天.
•在前一天中午12点至上午8点之间.m. 在公司当地办事处不营业的第二天.


  1. pays in full the amount for regulated charges shown on the notice and any deposit and/or fees as may be specifically required by the Company's tariff in the event of discontinuance of service. 
  2. 支付公司关税特别要求的任何重新连接和收款费用, 进入分期付款计划, 并支付第一笔分期付款, 除非中断的原因是客户违反了该安排.
  3. 提交委员会规则4407(e)(IV)规定的医疗证明; 
  4. 向公司证明终止的原因, 如果不是不付款, 已经治愈了

除非出于安全考虑或紧急情况, the Company shall restore service to a customer who has completed an action in the above paragraph within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) of the time that the customer completes an action in the above paragraph, or within 12 hours of the time that the customer completes an action in the above paragraph if the customer pays applicable after-hours charges and fees established in tariffs. The utility will exercise its best efforts to restore service for customers meeting requirements of the above paragraph on the same day of a service discontinuance.

The Company shall offer to all residential and commercial firm customers in good standing a Budget Billing Plan, 哪种方式可以让客户支付更统一的金额,避免账单金额的飙升, 比如高油价或严寒天气造成的. 客户的账户将按月计算, and the budget bill amount will not change unless it is at least ten percent (10%) greater than or at least ten percent (10%) less than the last monthly budget bill amount. The customer’s account will have an annual recalculation to true-up the previous year’s actual bills versus budget bill payments. 这些客户可以在一年中的任何一个月参加该计划. 参与此计划将由客户选择和要求, and all normal billing and consumption information would be shown on the billing statements in addition to the monthly Budget Billing Plan payment amount. 

“如果您是服务地址的居住者, 没有客户记录, 并申请法院对有案底的客户的保护令, 请与澳门银河官网网址公司联系,将服务转让给您自己或创建一个新帐户.  在这种情况下, you may be responsible for any balances on the account but not for fees incurred due to non-payment. 停止服务也可以延迟, 服务可能会暂时恢复,具体情况视具体情况而定.”


公司可向信誉不佳的客户银河官网网址提供“修改”预算计费计划, 其条款和条件如下.

The Company will postpone disconnection of residential customers when the morning forecast by the National Weather Service forecasts that the temperature will be 35 degrees Fahrenheit or lower during the following 24 hours.


a. 如果是在上午8点以外.M. 和下午4点.周一至周四;

b. 如果是在上午8点以外.M. 及星期五中午十二时正;

c. 如果是在州假日或联邦假日前一天中午12点到美国东部时间上午8点之间.M. the day following a state or federal holiday; or

d. 如果是在布莱克山当地办事处关门前一天中午12点到上午8点之间.M. 第二天布莱克山当地办事处就关门了.


Residential consumers fulfilling one of the following conditions must be offered installment arrangements including a Modified Budget Billing Plan.

On or before the expiration date of the Notice of Discontinuation pays at least ten (10) percent of the amount shown on the notice and agrees to enter into installment plan arrangements.

On or before the last day covered by a medical certification or extension thereof pays at least ten (10) percent of any amount more than thirty (30) days past due and enters into installment plan arrangements.

如果服务已停止, 至少支付本规则及规例授权的任何收款及收费.  然而, Company is not obligated to re-establish service if customer has breached previous installment arrangements.

Company will also offer the plan to all residential customers who contact it in response to a Notice of Discontinuation.


  1. 低收入者银河官网援助计划(leap)
    The Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that is run by the Colorado Department of Human 服务 (CDHS) and helps eligible Coloradans pay a portion of their winter home heating costs.  The LEAP program works to keep communities warm during the winter (November through April) by providing assistance with heating costs, 设备维修和/或更换不能操作的加热工具. 虽然该计划并不打算支付家庭供暖的全部费用, 其目的是帮助减轻科罗拉多州寒冷月份带来的一些负担.  如欲澳门银河官网网址有关LEAP的资料,请浏览本处网页: http://cdhs.colorado.gov/leap
  2. 澳门银河官网网址负担能力计划(堆) 
    The purpose of this program is to provide further bill-payment assistance to residential customers who are enrolled in LEAP. Colorado Gas customers who receive LEAP benefits and meet eligibility requirements will be automatically enrolled in BHEAP for one year. 有关BHEAP的更多信息,请参见 请浏览我们的网页.
  3. 银河官网推广科罗拉多州
    科罗拉多州银河官网推广公司有几个项目来帮助客户支付水电费. 欲澳门银河官网网址信息,请访问www.energyoutreach.组织或致电 303-825-8750
  4. 需求方管理
    布莱克山的DSM计划有各种各样的项目,可以帮助减少客户的使用.  查看DSM项目列表, 包括参与的要求, 参与的好处, 有关这些项目的联系方式请访问我们的银河官网效率网页:

如果您是服务地址的占用者, 没有客户记录, 并申请法院对有案底的客户的保护令, 请与澳门银河官网网址公司联系,将服务转让给您自己或创建一个新帐户. 在这种情况下, you may be responsible for any balances on the account but not for fees incurred due to non-payment. 停止服务也可以延迟, 服务可能会暂时恢复,具体情况视具体情况而定.